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YEMHR JePARLE - no lower case.png



Youth Experiences with Mental Health Referrals in Canada: An Online Survey

EN YEMHR Info Graphic - Oct 22nd 2019 AA.png

Project Summary
In Canada, youth aged 15-24 are more likely to experience a mental illness than any other age group, though very few young Canadians with mental illnesses access appropriate care. The YEMHR (Youth Experiences with Mental Health Referrals) project aims to investigate the referral experiences of youth between the ages of 17-30 when accessing mental health services. This survey will be conducted in three Canadian provinces (Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia) through an anonymous online survey. This study seeks to advance knowledge about the referral process and pathways undertaken by youth to access mental health services. Ultimately, the results from this study will inform the improvement of referral processes and access to mental health care for Canadian youth. 

Stay tuned, we will be going live soon!

Contact person
Shalini Lal, Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc.O.T. (Reg.QC)

Partners and funders
This work is supported by Mitacs through the Mitacs Accelerate program. Additional support is provided through the Canada Research Chairs Program.