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Congratulations to our future master’s student Kira Rudakova for winning the FRQ Host scholarship for the Ukrainian and Russian student community


Congratulations to our future master’s student Kira Rudakova for winning the FRQ Host scholarship for the Ukrainian and Russian student community

Shalini Lal

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Good news! Our research assistant and future master’s student, Kira Rudakova, has been awarded the Host scholarship for the Ukrainian and Russian student community by the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ)!

Under the supervision of our YMHTech lab director, Dr. Shalini Lal, Kira’s project will look into the mental health needs of first-year international students in Montreal.

Congratulations Kira!

Bonne nouvelle ! Notre assistante de recherche et future étudiante à la maîtrise, Kira Rudakova, a reçu la bourse d'accueil pour la communauté étudiante ukrainienne et russe du Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) !

Sous la supervision de la directrice de notre laboratoire YMHTech, la Dre Shalini Lal, le projet de Kira portera sur les besoins en matière de santé mentale des étudiants étrangers de première année à Montréal.

Félicitations Kira !