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Our projects


Shalini Lal


Project Summary
Telepsy.CHUM is an urban telepsychiatry project exploring the feasibility and acceptability of delivering mental health services to young people that have experienced a first-episode psychosis (FEP), through the use of online, videoconferencing technologies. We have completed the pre-implementation and implementation phase of this project.

Pre-implementation phase (July - October 2017) was a cross-sectional, descriptive survey study with 51 patients seeking care from an early intervention program for psychosis located in an urban Canadian mental health care setting. This study aims to investigate participants’ current access to and use of technology, barriers to attending in-person clinic appointments, and attitudes toward the use of telepsychiatry services as part of outpatient care.

Our published results are available here:

Implementation phase was a feasibility and acceptability study of the videoconferencing platform that was implemented and evaluated with 51 young adult patients receiving early intervention care for FEP and 26 clinicians, conducted in a Montreal-based clinical health care setting (CHUM), during the COVID-19 pandemic:

  1. Telepsy.CHUM Patient survey (November 2020 - March 2021): a cross-sectional, descriptive survey study with 51 patients to assess patient perceptions of telepsychiatry services (in terms of satisfaction, user-friendliness, benefits, concerns, challenges, security, safety, and recommendations).

    The results of the paper are available here:

  2. Telepsy.CHUM Clinician survey is a longitudinal, descriptive survey study with 26 clinicians to assess clinicians’ acceptability and satisfaction of delivering telepsychiatry services. Clinicians completed the questionnaire at two different time points: during the implementation (May to November 2020) and post-implementation phase (October to February 2021). We have completed data collection and are now working on data analysis for this study. Stay tuned for the results!

This project is partially funded through operational funds from the Canada Research Chairs Program awarded to Shalini Lal, PhD. There is no specific grant funding for this project. If you would like to further support the advancement of telepsychiatry research, contact us at:

Partners and Collaborators
The Telepsy.CHUM research project was conducted in collaboration with the RIPAJ-JAP/SOL team (under the leadership of Dr. Amal Abdel-Baki) at the Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CHUM). 

Contact person:
Shalini Lal, Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc.O.T. (Reg.QC)

Youth Mental Health and Technology Lab
Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CRCHUM)
Pavillion S 850, Rue St-Denis, Bureau S03.328
Montréal (Québec) H2X 0A9
